You may be asking yourself, what amount of money you can make out of materials which have already been declared as waste. The answer to that question would depend on the kind of material you are holding in your yard. If the junk car is not in a dilapidated condition, you can get an amount equivalent to its present value.

The price which the scrap metal will fetch will also depend on your negotiation capability; if you get quotations from different dealers chances are high that you will get a good value for your junk. Also if you want to get good value for these items do not be quick to discard once the price is mentioned , if you cannot get the price which you are looking for, hold on the material, after all they have been lying in your yard for all that time and probably they have not been a bother.
Wait until you get a dealer who is willing to pay for the suggested price. If you are in need of quick cash, you might not have much choice but never show that you are desperate, somebody will take advantage of the situation and offer a raw deal. With the prices of the scrap metal rising, you are bound to get the cash that you need.
Again it would not pain you to sell at a less value given that you have already written it off. There is market for scrap metal Springfield MA; therefore, do not hold too much junk such that you lack space to store other material. Look for a dealer who is willing to offer you a good price and clear off the junk from your garage, you will have achieved to kill two birds with one stone. You will have made extra cash out of junk and your compound and garage will now be spacious.